Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7th 2009
Well our trip leader Don Buege came out with our team today to see how things are going out in Calceta. We thought we were going to have some discipleship lessons with some people this morning but it didn’t work for them. You just never know where the Holy Spirit is going to send you. Since our appointments didn’t work out we went back to some of the houses that didn’t want to talk to us yesterday. Well God wanted us there today. Don and his translator Fanni met a young woman who was really seeking for God. They talked with her for a while and she accepted Christ. God sent us to another house where we talked with a man, Francisco, and his mother-in-law. They accepted Christ too and we went back for a discipleship lesson this afternoon. It was great. We also got to go back and visit Johana again and go through the next discipleship lesson with her. She is probably my favorite. There is a definite work of God going on there. She’s not sure about how her husband feels about all this but we shared with her out of 1 Corinthians 7. It’s sad I won’t be there to follow up with her but our nationals will be.
We had our first service in Calceta tonight! It was nice. A decent number of community members came including Johana, Francisco, and Sandro. Pastor Jose came out after work and led the service. He gave a really nice message where he explained the story of the evangecube in great detail. It is sad to go. This is a special place and it’s been fun to see how God has used us. I was scared and didn’t know what to expect. Of course I was nervous about going door to door and sharing my testimony and presenting the gospel. But I feel a lot better about it now. God is using it in many people’s lives.
Derek got baptized this morning in the Pacific, on the beach, by his pastor that he is working with here. That was cool to see. Derek is a great guy from Fond du Lac. God has a plan for him and I bet he has grown quite a bit this week.
Well last night we had dinner with the mayor of Bahia up on the hill by a giant cross that overlooks the city. It was nice.

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